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Facebook live with Esha: June 11, 2020

Hey, it’s your girl Esha here.  I hope you’re well and safe in your part of the world.  I went live today on Facebook as I have done every week for about a month now.  And I’ve been feeling called to share my stories about racism that have happened to me personally.

Several people I’m connected to on the socials and IRL (In Real Life) have been doing the same.  This latest awakening/opening of people supporting the Black Lives Matter and civil rights movements has left me with feelings of sadness, terror, relief, strength and finally hope.

So, in this live, I’ve shared two instances of racism that I’ve encountered in my life.  As I share in the video, I feel this current calling and sharing is so important to increase awareness.

I’m also sharing a “hair story” that happened to me very early on in my professional career…perhaps you can relate.

Check it out below:

Now over to you: what’s a story about racism you’ve experienced that you’d like to share?  Please comment below so we can support each other through our healing.

Next up: To lighten things up and in the hopes of putting a smile on your face – Travel Tuesday!  We’re taking you to Trinidad with us…in video.  If you’d like an experience that’s a *little bit* longer, then you gotta join us at our next Caribbean Virtual Vacation – click here.

Til de next lime,








About Esha:  As an event planner with over 20 years of experience (whose been to 5 out of the 7 continents), Esha’s helped professional women who don’t have the time, energy, or resources to plan their own vacations so they can travel and enjoy unique, life-changing Caribbean experiences. Click the links below to learn more!

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