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Welcome to our Caribbean Carnival blog!  Today’s video covered our recap of Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2024.  Since we haven’t done a good, bettah and best review in quite some time, let’s do that shall we?


Also included in this recording of our live are FAQs about Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2025.  Start by watching the live video recording; click here.

De good – 2024 soca music

Whooo!  Take us back!  De soca music was so good this year it just had to make the list.  We have to start with the Road March.


In case you don’t know what a Road March is, allow us to explain.  During the Trinidad Carnival parade, you have staging areas and judging points that some bands cross during the course of Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday, the 2 days of the parade.


Whichever song is played the most at these points are tallied up and is awarded with the title of Road March.  There are several islands throughout the Caribbean who do this.  


So, the Road March for Trinidad Carnival 2024 was DNA by Mical Teja.  Mical is such a talented young man and as was mentioned in our video, he’s quickly becoming one of our faves.  Check out his full video below!

Another fave this year for us was Search Party by Preedy.  Not only was this song on repeat throughout Trinidad Carnival, The man himself was our soca star at our privately catered dinner!  A few photos were shared in the live recording above and you can ketch a listen to Search Party below:

And here’s one more thing for you!  Our very own Ultimate Trinidad Carnival Ambassador, Grace, has created a 2024 soca playlist.  To listen to Trinidad Carnival 2024 soca go to our Soundcloud playlist; click here.

De bettah – Carnival Tuesday of the Trinidad Carnival Parade

It’s been a long time since Carnival Tuesday has been this good for us!  Yuma (our costume provider) really brought de vibes.  There was great eye candy, the costumes were on point, great drinks, good food…in short, we loved everything about the Carnival Tuesday road experience this year.

And if you watched the recap video, then you saw the photos of our Carnivalistas in all of their Carnivalista splendour! We also had a celebrity rolling with us during Carnival! One of our Carnivalistos is a dead ringer for Machel Montano and was stopped by others several times. He even has a meme and was featured in an IG reel! Check it out here.

As we mentioned in the video, for the Carnival Diva who wants to go all out, we have the Ultimate Carnivalista Upgrade!  You’ll not only get an Individual costume, you’ll also get custom made Monday wear, customized accessories, a spa treatment and additional goodies from our costume provider, Yuma.  To find out more about this Upgrade, visit our Ultimate Trinidad Carnival packages page; click here.

In short, we had a time!

Now over to you:

De best of Trinidad Carnival 2024 will be revealed on Tuesday; click here to get on our mailing list so you don’t miss it! We’ll also send you our Ultimate Guide of Getting to and Surviving Carnival.

For more details about Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2025, visit our website; click here.

Plus, we’ll let you in on a lil secret.  We’re releasing 2 new online products later this month that are sure to get you organized for your next Carnival.  Stay tuned by getting on our mailing list now; click here.

Til de next lime,

Team Events By Ashé

About Us:  Events by Ashé is a company that provides unique and life-changing Caribbean Experiences and we’re all passionate about the Carnival lifestyle.  The Founders and travel curators, Esha and Tarik, even met during Trinidad Carnival back in 2006!  We’re so passionate about Carnival that we’ve created Ultimate Trinidad CarnivalUltimate SpicemasUltimate Crop Over and Ultimate St. Lucia Carnival to share these experiences with hundreds of clients around the world.   Visit our website by clicking here or click the links below for more!   You may also like:

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