Our Travel List – the September Edition
Thanks for visiting Carnivalista Lifestyle – our blog about travel, food, getting your life together (grin) and the Caribbean Carnival culture. Can you believe that fall is upon us? And as we do at the beginning of every month, here’s our travel list. You’re sure to find something to add to your bucket list trips; read on!
As a side note, this list is chronological. Our virtual events then turn into our in-person trips, so keep scrolling to the end of the list for those.
Here’s what’s on our list:
Friday Facebook Live with Esha
- Every Friday at 12:30 pm EST, join Esha on Facebook as she goes live to spread a little positivity, while talking about various topics like travel, food and the Caribbean Carnival culture. You’ll be sure to get some info to add to your vacation list!
- To get a notification of when Esha’s live every Friday, like our Ultimate Trinidad Carnival Facebook page to get notified. Click here to visit and like our Facebook page.
Ultimate Girls Getaway 2022 Q and A
We turn our attention to beautiful Barbados with our Ultimate Girls Getaway trip in April 2022! If you’ve been thinking about getting your girls together for some much needed R&R, then you need to join us at this virtual event.
- Date: Tuesday Sept 21, 2021
- Time: 8:00 pm ET
- Place: Via Zoom. Registration is required so we can send you the link to join (and remind you so you don’t forget!)
- To register, click here
Caribbean Cook Up Live!
Caribbean Cook Up is starting up again this fall. Cook along with me (and try not to eat your fingers) as we make stewed saltfish with dumplings and ground provisions. This is a very down to earth dish that is served all over the Eastern Caribbean. Everyone has their own version of this dish, but I love to make it with tomatoes and onions, stewing them all together to make a rich sauce. This sauce goes beautifully with the boiled dumplings and ground provisions such as cassava, green fig and yam.
- Date: Sunday Sept 26, 2021
- Time: 1:30 pm ET
- Place: online. Upon registration, you’ll get a link to join the cooking class along with the recipe so you can get your ingredients
- Click here to find out more and to register!
Join the next Caribbean Cook Up in September!
Carnivalista Marketing Method
- In just 3 sessions, you can make more money in your business!
- The Carnivalista Marketing Method takes everything that we’ve learned over 10 years of being in business. This valuable information is all refined and shared so you don’t make the same marketing mistakes we made.
- If you’d like to sell more of your services or your products, then you’re not effectively marketing.
- With our brand of “energetic calm” and an environment of comittment and accountability, the 1:1 Carnivalista Marketing Method is personalized to your needs and your business. We’ll start with the basics of your target client (note: everyone is NOT your client), build your strategy and then refine your tactics like social media, your website, speaking, etc.
- Schedule the 3 sessions according to your schedule, show up and be ready to get your Marketing life together!
- For more info, click here.
Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2022
- Although Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2022 registration is closed, this can still be on your bucket list trips! 2022 will be the 10th annual Trinidad Carnival trip – it is, afterall, the Ultimate!
- As with all of our planned group travel experiences, all you need to so is pack and show up.
- The 5-night Premium Experience dates of travel are Friday Feb 25 to Wed Mar 2, 2022.
- Click here for more details on our website and to get on our waitlist. Also, see our video below!
The Tobago Love Experience
- Although registration is now closed for our Tobago Love Experience, you can still get on our waitlist!
- Dates of travel to Tobago are Wed Mar 2 to Sun Mar 6, 2022.
- Click here for more details on our website and to join the waitlist.
The Ultimate Girls Getaway
- Is Barbados one of your bucket list trips? Join us there in April 2022 at Ultimate Girls Getaway! Grab your girls and leh we go!
- Isn’t it time you get the rest, relaxation and pampering that you deserve with ocean view accommodations? We got you. With the planning done for you, all you need to do is pack and show up.
- Exclusive events include a Grown and Sexy Red Party, a Pretty in Pink Sunset Cruise, your own VIP cabana at a beach party plus so much more!
- Travel dates of Tues Apr 26 to Sat Apr 30 with a 1-night Upgrade to Sun May 1, 2022.
- Get your questions about Ultimate Girls Getaway answered at our next live Q and A session on Sept. 21; click here to register for this event.
Ultimate Summer Carnival
- If the beautiful island of Grenada isn’t one of your bucket list trips, trust us, it should be!
- Experience a truly unique Caribbean Carnival at Grenada’s Spicemas with us in 2022! Our Ultimate Summer Carnival trip in 2022 will be on the Spice Island of the Caribbean, Grenada.
- We’re super excited about this travel experience. You should be excited too because Grenada was recently voted a World Culinary Capital!
- Get all-inclusive accommodations, your Grenada Carnival costume, access to the unique events J’ouvert and Monday Night Mas plus lots more 🙂
- Our 5-night Premium Experience is from Fri Aug 5 to Wed Aug 10, 2022.
- Plus, we recorded our latest Q and A about Ultimate Girls Getaway and Ultimate Summer Carnival. Click here to tek a watch!
- To find out more about our Ultimate Summer Carnival packages, click here.
Thanks for reading!
Til de next lime,
Esha and Tarik
About Esha and Tarik: Founders of Events by Ashé, a company that provides unique and life-changing Caribbean Experiences, Esha and Tarik are passionate about the Carnival lifestyle. They even met during Trinidad Carnival back in 2006! They are so passionate about Carnival that they created Ultimate Trinidad Carnival, Ultimate Summer Carnival and Ultimate Girls Getaways to share these experiences with hundreds of clients around the world. Visit their website by clicking here!