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Come eeeen!  You’re in the right place for part 2 of our Ultimate St. Lucia Carnival 2024 recap.  But, first, if you missed part 1, click here.

And, before we get into De Best of Ultimate St. Lucia Carnival 2024, you have to check out our live video playlist we did while in St. Lucia.  Watch below!

De Best of St. Lucia Carnival
  • De Lucian Carnival Parade.  Yep, this was the best of our time in St. Lucia during Carnival!  Here are some of the highlights we really enjoyed of de Lucian Carnival Parade:
    • It’s 2 full days of parading in de streets.  On the first day of the parade, Carnival Monday, you wear full costume.  Carnival Tuesday is the 2nd day of the parade and you wear whatever you like.  Some bands (costume providers) will suggest a colour for their masqueraders to wear.  Our mas band, Just4Fun, asked their masqueraders to wear orange and as you can see in the Day 7 videos, it was bright and colourful!
    • Speaking of Just4Fun, we really enjoyed the road experience.  Bars were easy to get to and although we didn’t get food from the provided trucks, the feedback from our clients was good.  The DJs definitely kept the crowd moving throughout both days of de parade with good vibes and of course, Lucian soca!
    • So, you might be wondering, “Why didn’t you get food from the provided trucks?”  The short answer is, there was too much good food from the roadside vendors to pass up!  We had some delicious fried fish – a.k.a. “sprats” or “fry me dry” – from a lady as we were passing by the airport.  It was so good, we had it on both days!  There was also some delicious roast bake being sold.  There were also vendors out with local fruit, spiced rum, and other yummy treats.
    • The Lucian Parade route is pretty easy to navigate.  The starting point this year was Choc Roundabout, going all the way down the island to Castries, where the stage is set up and then everyone makes 1 big loop back to Choc Roundabout.
    • One of the fave things about the parade route is coming into and leaving Castries.  There is so much beautiful water to grab some IG worthy shots!  It’s also fun to dance by the boats packed with non-masqueraders who wave as you pass by.
Now over to you:

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our recap of St Lucia Carnival!  Here’s how we can help you get to the next one:

  • Ultimate Guide of Getting to and Surviving Carnival.  This FREE guide is all about Caribbean Carnival information and will help you with lingo, destination profiles and so much more.  To get free access, click here.
  • Let us plan your St. Lucia Carnival Experience.  Don’t want to plan any of this yourself but want to experience it?  We got you.  All you need to do is pack and show up!  For more info, click here.

Got questions about St. Lucia Carnival?  Just leave us a comment below.

Til de next lime,

Team Events by Ashé

About Us:  Events by Ashé is a company that provides unique and life-changing Caribbean Experiences and we’re all passionate about the Carnival lifestyle.  The Founders and travel curators, Esha and Tarik, even met during Trinidad Carnival back in 2006!  We’re so passionate about Carnival that we’ve created Ultimate Trinidad Carnival, Ultimate Crop Over and Ultimate St. Lucia Carnival to share these experiences with hundreds of clients around the world.   Visit our website by clicking here or click the links below for more!

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