Finding your Passion for Life Again
Wow! What a ride these last 2 years have been. As we continue to navigate our way back to our version of normal, many of us are past the survival stage of just trying to figure out how to stay safe, find groceries (and toilet paper) and keep generating income and have now moved onto the dreaming and planning stages, a.k.a. finding your passion again.
This is my absolute favorite stage of life because ANYTHING is possible
But, allow me to introduce myself. It’s your girl Esha here. And thank you for visiting Carnivalista Lifestyle – our blog about travel, food, getting your life together and the Caribbean Carnival culture.
Back to my favourite stage of life – finding your passion again. Think about the last 2 years this way. You’re starting with a clean canvas, and YOU get to choose what this next chapter of life looks like.
Is it:
- Throwing all of your insecurities in the wind and allowing yourself to fall in love with dancing again?
- Completing that half finished dress that has been sitting in your sewing room for months? (Side note: yes, I am speaking to myself in relation to said unfinished dress; I swear it’s giving me “cut eye” from my closet)
- Learning a new language for that dream trip of yours?
What spark will help you with finding your passion again?
Whatever it is, there’s something that ignites the spark that gives you life. The question is, can you quiet the noise of everyday life long enough to reignite that spark? And knowing…
What turns your spark into a flame?
For me, nothing calms my soul and quiets my mind quite like traveling. As soon as I get on a plane, my day-to-day obligations, responsibilities and routines are forgiven and quickly fade away to the background. When I am on the plane, my mind wanders with excitement to where I am headed long before I make it to my destination physically. I am completely open to new possibilities, places and people. Being in this headspace quiets my fears of everyday life and truly sparks my creativity (and this is just on the plane)!
As you probably have figured out by now, travel is what ignites me and gives me life. Whether it’s meditating on the beach, spending the day at the spa or getting all fancy for a girl’s night out or a fête (when we used to do those), travel is what turns my spark into a flame.
If travel is what ignites you too, or if you just want to get away, dance in somebody’s street and clear your mind so you can reignite your spark, consider joining us at our exclusive Caribbean Carnivals in Grenada, Trinidad and beautiful Barbados.
Wait. When are these Carnivals happening?
That’s a great question. Think about it this way. No matter whenever you’ll be comfortable with being in a Caribbean Carnival, we have you covered! If 2022 is calling you and need to get back in a costume ASAP, we got you. If you’re still feeling a little shy about being “outside”, then we have Carnival experiences in 2023 that are perfect for you too:
- Ultimate Summer Carnival 2022 in Grenada from Fri Aug 5 to Wed Aug 10, 2022. We only have 4 rooms left to experience Grenada’s Spicemas! Click here to see our packages.
- Ultimate Trinidad Carnival 2023 in vibrant Trinidad and Tobago from Fri Feb 17 to Wed Feb 22, 2023. We’ve now sold over 52% of our rooms in this experience so check it out by clicking here.
- Ultimate Summer Carnival 2023: Barbados’ Crop Over awaits! The travel dates are Thurs Aug 3 to Tues Aug 8, 2023. If Barbados is on your bucket list, click here to check out our packages.
Side note: the only language you’ll be required to learn is the language of sweet, sweet soca music and de body language of movin’ yuh waistline! Let’s have FUN again!
Do you need igniting right now? No problem. You definitely won’t want to miss “You Are Enough: 3 Ways to Stop Feeling Exhausted and Start Living Your Daydreams”! For more details about this free virtual event: click here.
Now over to you:
What passion would you love to reignite? Leave me a comment below!
Remember, you deserve love, happiness and travel…
Til de next lime,